30V LED sets with JUTAI controller.


New member
So I have been just lurking and getting the itch to get back into a cool display after 15 years away from doing Christmas light displays. So please forgive a probably newbie type question. (I do have an computer engineering background so the electronics and programming stuff in general I know)

My (grown) daughter just called me about how to program this set of lights she bought. It got me excited to have a project I could help her with and dip a toe into the water.
This is the set she bought. https://www.amazon.com/Christmas-Multicolor-Halloween-Controlled-Waterproof/dp/B0CF8HVMDP/?th=1
It looks like there are quite a few different strings of LEDs that use this 30V controller by Jutai. You can buy the JT-EL controllers themselves. And there is an app by Tuya that she uses to do basic controls. But doesn't allow the exact control she wants.

I *was* thinking I should be able to find an API and whip out some code to do the sequence/control she wants, even if it is a bit slower than using a dedicated controller. BUT, I am struggling to find any technical details about this kind of LED string. It doesn't appear to be a WS28xx type string. And I don't see any API type information.

So - has anyone come across this and maybe know where there is some details about how I could control them outside of the app they have? Or is this better to just leave as is and get a "real" controllable LED string (i.e. a WS28xx type one)??
Some of the pictures show only two wires to the leds. Some appear to show three. Does her set have 3?

There is a lot of chatter about these types of lights on ACL. Some versions are somewhat controllable but many have not been decoded.

The videos mention "custom mode". Does the app have a custom mode? This might be an avenue to hack the device. Since it is WiFi, you could intercept the codes when you do custom and reverse engineer what to send it.

If it is three wire setup, if you put an O-scope on the data line, you might be able to see what protocol it is actually using.

As to the big question, I would look at seed/pebble pixels for the Christmas tree and put an actual WS28xx type controller on it.