Adding Megatree - scratching head on mapping


New member
Every year I have fun adding to the display. This year, I've built a megatree, 32 strings of 50 pixels (actually 16 strings of 100 zig-zagged at 50 by my E682 controller).

I know how to add the megatree into HLS. My quandary is that with my other elements I've used (some of) all 12 universes that my unicast configured E682s will decode.
I need almost 4 more universes to add my new mega tree.

In xlights/nutcracker, I can have two different universe 2's and assign different unicast IP addresses so that they are controlled uniquely. I haven't found a way to implement that in HLS.

Alternatively, while HLS will go over universe 12, my E682 wont.

Is there a way to map channels in HLS so that existing universe 1-4 is mapped to one E682, and I can add the new pixel plane mega tree with another set of universe 1-4 but these outputting the megatree universe 1-4 to another E682 with its own different/unique ip address.

I've been messing with it today and can't make it go.

Is there another way to skin this cat? I could move my show to xlights (want to stay with HLS). I could get a new controller that will interpret addresses 13-16 (want to stay with E682). suggestions?


Not sure I'm reading your question correctly, but you can assign any 12 universe to a 682 you'd like.
In this photo I've defined universes 6 thru 17, then in the config on the bottom define which outputs use what universes.

You can define one 682 to be universes 1-12, while another 682 is defined as universes 13-24. These two 682's will have unique ip addresses.
gadgetsmith - Thanks! This helped me understand what I was missing. Had never used the "Universe Selection" component of the E682 setup. Duh! comparing your screenshot to my setup got me there quickly.


Glad I could help.
One thing I noticed was that I couldn't leave these values blank (or a value of 0), but I read that the most recent firmware allows a value of zero, so you can assign only universes being used by the controller.