Adding new panel to exisitng P10 matrix


New member

I have a p10 matrix that I would like to add another column to. At the time I was only able to get a certain amounts of panels so I went with it. So I have a 3Wx4H matrix I would like to add another column to the width but I only have one spare panel. If I source some other panels what are the chances that it will look off alot?

Consider selling your 12+1 and buying all new panels. Maybe even consider P5's
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High probability it’ll look off. Each lot can have minor variations that might be noticeable, to say nothing about differences in manufacturers. If you get into LEDVision and start messing with preloaded panel data, you’ll see all sorts of parameters that can vary among manufacturers. Panel age, exposure, and the like can also affect appearance.

FWIW, my last panel purchase was 240 P5 panels, and I asked Ray to single-source them from a matching lot. I will use only 196 for intended application. The remaining 40 are backups in case I have to replace one, so I’m planning for a 1 in 5 failure over time.
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