Another snowman conversion


Supporting Member
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For 2023, I decided I'd dismantle Lars Jr. and give him the same eyes and mouth that his mom and dad have... And give him arm movement, too. So here's a little bit of "Rudolph" as a test... Remember, this prop was originally just a commercial, non-animated wire-frame prop that was covered in some kind of plastic string that was melted onto the frame. I like this better. And of course, it's wireless.


And the controller for this prop? It's a messy amalgamation of an old DIGWDF MiniRenServo with regular AC firmware flashed into the pic16f688, and then some creativity in the wiring end of things so that the same controller works with both AC and DC lights and DC motors... Consequently, to animate this, you'd consider it just as a normal 8-channel Renard for eight AC strings (although it uses only 7 channels)

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I like that. I have a really large Costco one that holds a string of large lights between it's arms that that would look good on.
I spent a few hours adding arm movement to Mrs. Lars, too. Now all three members of my "snowfamily" have full animation. Hmmm.... what should I work on next for 2023...
