Arch dimensions, beginner needs some help


New member

This is my first time trying out making some Christmas props.
It started last Halloween when my wife made some pumpkins and I wanted to light them with 8px strips and wled.

Maybe I shouldn't have done that because now I'm gonna start with Christmas outdoor lighting lol

I 3d printed a 120 light star and ordered 150 ws2811 for that.

When scrolling through YouTube I noticed some arches and have trouble finding the white hdpe for it all I can find is 16mm with 2mm wall thickness which isn't a option I think.

I do have a white 40mm pvc pipe for bathroom plumbing (unused no worries) though it's only 2 meters so I wondered if that's too short for making my first arch.

Bending can be done with hot sand though.

Other option is if that's too short I'll be making some sort of candycane.

I ordered some ws2812b 30 led/m already so that could go in I think.

Any suggestions for what to do while being on a budget?