arrange elements in set up preview


New member
Is there a way to rearrange elements in the display preview in V10.u1. I decided to add some elements and it is just easier when sequencing to have them together at times and not wanting to groups some items?

I also made a minitree RGb it is just one string of 50. I used the grid maker and it just shows up as a ball? I would like it to look like a little tree so I can see the effect. I hope this makes sense.
You can arrange the elements in Display Preview or Display Setup to be in the order or groupings you desire. There are tools to make groups in the right click menu, or you can drag and drop elements to reorder them.

For your minitree, give the megatree prop shape a try. It naturally is in a cone shape for modeling trees. Most minitreess I have seen look similar to a mega tree, but smaller.