Attempting the jump from AC to pixels


New member
I've gotten through several steps toward finally including pixels in with my AC props, including updating some wire trees with pixel strings, generating a custom prop for the Vixen preview using the custom prop editor, adding the pixel trees with some effects to one of my sequences (they show up properly in the preview), and connecting an alphapix 16 controller to the network with e1.31 in the display setup (added all of the new trees into that). I've also tested the first tree (through the alphapix) using XLights (while trying unsuccessfully to generate a custom model), so I know the alphapix and tree are capable of working.

I have two controllers set up (open DMX and e1.31) with the DMX channels first (1-61) and then the pixel trees assigned in the e1.31. The alphapix has a consistant DHCP IP address (set that up in the router so it would remain the same).

Now I'm having a problem getting Vixen to talk to the test tree. With the above mentioned updated sequence and the alphapix connected to the tree (ran an alphapix internal test to be sure the tree was connected properly). I've patched each tree to channels in the e1.31 controller (it auto-filled all the needed channels for each tree as I added them).

I'm obviously missing something since there is no pixel action happening with the test tree I have connected. So a few questions to start with:
1. How does Vixen know what IP address the alphapix 16 is at? I couldn't find any way to set that anywhere.
2. Do the alphapix universes have to start at 2 since I have analog AC channels starting at ch. 1? (I haven't figured out a way to make the trees start at anything but universe 1)
Ok, I finally found where to set the IP address... it was hiding beneath the "Destination" button (a bit vague). So now the tree is doing the light effects I have added to the sequence. Maybe a better button descriptor would be "Set IP Address"? Just a thought...
Still wondering about question 2 though.

I'll also need to figure out the best DIY way to wifi some small controllers, one for each tree, once I get the trees all completed. I'll need to do more reading for that I'm sure.
The alphapix should need to start at universe 2 but for a wired network, no reason not to do that for clarity in your mind.