Blink Off?


New member
I know it's been mentioned before, but is anyone interested in a Blink Off, like the one at PLUS? Please respond if you are interested. We need to work out the time, equipment, etc etc.

i like that idea i would be willing to join a team i dont think i have any hardware i could contribute being that im still building it. but i think that a blink off would be a cool idea. do you have any ideas of what you want display items your going to use cause when i went to the plus they had a mini tree lab and then people let the different teams borrow there tree to use in the contest. just my 2 cents

What in the world is a "Blink Off" Is that when you start hooking up flashy lights until the breaker trips and then they go "OFF"
I know it's been mentioned before, but is anyone interested in a Blink Off, like the one at PLUS? Please respond if you are interested. We need to work out the time, equipment, etc etc.


Blink off? What a disaster that was! I know, I was the one picked to represent D-Light. They called me the night before I left for Plus to see if I could bring my d-light equipment with me.

Nothing was set up in advance, they're weren't even enough mini trees to go around, LOR was using their Version 2 for the first time and didn't have all the hardware drivers and software loaded ready to go. My offering wasn't much better, (the hardware and software did work), thankfully I had a bunch of really nice people there that helped get everything plugged in. Animated lighting did a pretty good job, but they admittedly cheated, they had the music an hour before the rest of us, and pulled one of their 16 channel trees out of the vendor room to use.

The only real way to do it would be have everything set up exactly the same, all the same equipment hardware and software. Just my opinion, thought I'd toss it out there.