Can't register on FPP site


New member
I have been trying to register on the site for several days now & it keeps telling me I am not typing in the right letters. It then takes out my password & tells me to enter the correct letters. I can't ask on the site because I can not post a question without being registered. Can anyone here help me out? ddd (Bud)
The CAPTCHA they have there is a usability nightmare. It took me several tries to get it right, but I did get registered two days ago. Unfortunately, they make you do one of those (plus the silly "What does "B" stand for in RGB?" and "What is the fffffortttthhh lettterrr inn hotel" bit every time you post or do about anything else on the site.
Unfortunately, they make you do one of those (plus the silly "What does "B" stand for in RGB?" and "What is the fffffortttthhh lettterrr inn hotel" bit every time you post or do about anything else on the site.

Have you ever administered a discussion forum?

Though "silly" questions help weed out spam robots from posting. Without them, everyone on the board gets spammed dozens of times before the admin can stop it. While I would rather have people complaining about "silly" things like CAPTCHA and random questions than lots of spam, I would always hope people ask why something is being done before they deem it "silly."

Also: Generally, when you're having a problem registering at a site (any site, not just FC), just send email to the board admin; they'll almost always fix you right up.

Have you ever administered a discussion forum?

Though "silly" questions help weed out spam robots from posting. Without them, everyone on the board gets spammed dozens of times before the admin can stop it. While I would rather have people complaining about "silly" things like CAPTCHA and random questions than lots of spam, I would always hope people ask why something is being done before they deem it "silly."

Also: Generally, when you're having a problem registering at a site (any site, not just FC), just send email to the board admin; they'll almost always fix you right up.


Thanks for the advice. I will try to email the board admin & hope it works. I know I am entering the right characters so this might be a work around. ddd (Bud)
There are 830 users on falconchristmas. I am guessing they all had to pay the price of captcha for the first 5 posts.

I run the, i had a simpler captcha because i hate them. I started getting sunglasses for sale posts, dozens of times per day. I added that you needed to get an email and respond to authorize your account.


If you are still having a problem let me know. About a month ago we were using a captcha that was very simple (we had used it for months with no problem). In one hour I had spammers create 200 users and each one were posting on our site with ads and nonsensical posts related to their goods and services. It took me a bit of time to clean it all up. I hate the captcha too but it is only for five posts. We may change to something else.