Channel Manager Screen Extra features Ideas


New member
Hoping this wouldn't be to hard.

  1. Able to use shift select highlight method (like excel/websites or other documents/such)
    • Example would be Order starts at house RGB lights and channel starts at channel 400 and need to select all to 2800 (Currently you have to click and DRAG all the way down) An alternate more efficient would be:
    • Single left click at 400. (drag the scroller to 2800 and then HOLD Shift and Click on 2800 as its highlighting them instead of waiting and dragging)
  2. Able to resize window to stretch screen mode inside channel Manager to see all columns or more rows
Your questions suggest you are not correctly using HLS.

HLS has many features that are designed to allow you to do grid base sequencing WITHOUT having all of the channels on the grid.

seems possible to do

Its more a question on Enhancement at selecting first cell and then hold shift and scroll down and then hold shift multiple and select again (like all my 40 mini trees at 3 INCANs per tree 120 channels to display group I can still get it working by holding down the mouse and dragging but just enhancement.

this is for setting up channels and assigning to display groups but could be for anything when selecting multiple channels IN the channel manager.
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First -- Let me tell you the brutally straight facts of how I respond to suggestions--- I will NOT listen to suggestions people make if you are a NEW users to HLS because NEW users are making suggestion to change HLS into their paradigm of thinking.

Once you know how HLS works and you are using HLS --- THEN I will be pleased to listen to suggestions --- so until then --- if you really want to use HLS -- I suggest you spend your time unlearning how other software works and learn about HLS

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Ohhh i was Just trying to help out as an idea :wow: to make things more efficient at selections. Last year I remember seeing some of your training videos too that saw alot of dragging and thought ohh maybe quicker method lol.

I guess its not that bad after you get all setup first and get going just helping community for efficiency.

This is DEF a powerful Product and wanted to know if you had any donations area available for it as I see you continually develop and support a wide community. I feel that your time is well deserved and like to offer =).