Channel numbers


Active member
Hi All,

I am trying to lay out my channels in HLS, Nutcracker, and FPP so that they are all the same.

In Nutcracker and FPP they require sequential numbering of channels.....even across universes... so if channel 100 is the last channel in universe 1....universe 2 starts on channel 101...

HLS seems to number by universe and starts over at 1 with every new universe. So if I have 30 universes I have 30 channel 1's.... I personally don't care but I'm wondering if that is throwing a curve ball when I export to NC....

I see the start channel for each universe in the "manage universes" screen but it's view only. Can you even change where a channel starts in HLS?

Since HLS starts each universe at channel 1..... when you prepare the output is it exporting all those channel 1's or is it just sending out a list of sequential channel numbers that also have a universe#?

Hope that makes sense.....Just trying to make sure I don't have any mismatches between programs.....


Yes. There is, in the (I believe) "Prepare Channels for Output" dialog a column that lets you change/set the channel number for a pixel. Once you press the assign button (or whatever it is) you'll see that it starts numbering from the number you entered in that column. I don't have HLS in front of me, or I'd be more specific.

Yes you can define a DMX universe channel in the DMX column. I use it when I export my Renard board channels. That allows me to skip open channels, which would be sequentially numbered wrong because I didn't account for the channels of nothing. I hope that makes sense. So you can assign a number in the DMX column that defines where it really is when exporting to NC and FPP