Charlie Brown Tree


Supporting Member

I needed a Charlie Brown tree for my display this year but nothing online seemed to work. They were all too small. So I made my own.

To build one, all you need is a length of high-pressure PVC (the narrow 5/8" OD cream-colored type), a heat gun to bend the PVC, some brown camo paint to simulate the bark, some wire-type garland, about 24" of stiff wire, spool of green floral wire, s roll of green floral waterproof tape, 56" of some 1x3 (untreated) and rough-cut framing lumber, a drill with 5/8" drill bit, saw, pliers, wire cutter, carpenters glue and a few brads to hold the base together while the glue sets. Total assembly time was about 3 hours.

This stands 54" tall and I'm sure it's going to take a brutal beating outside this year. But that's partly the point. It'll stand right next to my 2019 Tune-To sign:

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Very nice. I know Walgreen's usually has them but they are pretty small. Your build looks almost perfect.
That will go in perfectly right by your FA LA LA LA LAA.

I might need to make one of those just to be ready for the year when I want to take a break from the show.