Chase effect help


Hey guys does anyone have or know where a good write up is on creating a chase effect is vixin 3 for arch?s I?m struggling to make it look right what I?m trying to do start on right and end on left with red then green then blue chasing then reverse back to starting end I?m not really getting the settings and gradiants in this effect each arch has 50 rgb pixels thanks guys
Not sure about documentation other than the online help. Click the little blue question mark in the effect editor pane and it will take you to the Vixen website topic for that effect.

That said, I would also suggest trying the Wipe effect rather than Chase to do what you want. For me it seems a little smoother and you can apply at the group level (same a Chase) and it will wipe across the arches in order. You can then copy paste the effect and tick the "reverse" box to get the return effect. Do one wipe (or chase) for each color, don't try to have them change colors using the gradient since the pixels will mix. Also, if you want to play with Chase I would suggest bumping up the Overlap value to something like 500. Play around with that to see what gives the best effect for your props. Cheers!
My immediate thoughts is probably needs to be a chase rather than a wipe as the positions aren't any of left-right or up-down / diagonal;

I din't quite follow what you're trying to do. maybe you could sketch it (in colour)?

Maybe make a new group with all the 150 nodes in sequence (remember you can put nodes into more than one group) and then you can apply your effects to that as a single prop? That means building a new prop config just to deliver this effect though. So you would have an additional line in the sequencer called 3Arches or something like that, then put all 150 nodes in it from left to right. Then you can add chases as if it's a linear string.
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Thanks guys I’ll try to play around with both suggestions tonight I have read where some are using wipe but the settings are tricky to figure out and not really explanatory but could just be me overthinking it I’ll post my results or questions thanks guys
Wipe is always x-y position based (and related to when you add the pixels to the display preview). To get the effect you want using a wipe, you'd need to draw the arches as a straight line, then wipe left/right. It's impossible to wipe at an even speed over the length of a curve (because it's a curve).
This is also why wipes only work once your display preview(s) have been built.
I usually only use wipes on Arches when I want to to resemble a clapping motion from bottom to top. It can be done with chases, but the Wipe is easier for the most part. Otherwise Chases or Spins are very useful. If the OP wants to chase across all of the arches then they need to be in a group as one of the other posts mentions. You can make the gradient change colors across the span of the effect, but gradients will transition though the other mixed color states as they progress. If you want a sharp change, then build the chases with a single color like white to get the movement you want across the arches, then apply a set level in a color change effect alongside the chase to define were the color changes.

For example if you have 4 arches and you want to chase across them, but you want each arch to have its own color, Put the chase on the group to nicely chase across all of them, and then apply a color change layer set level at the individual Arch level to get the color for each one you want. The color change will only affect the arch it is on and will only show up when the chase is active on that Arch.

Food for thought....