Colorado Light Enthusiast Meet Up in Denver on February 25


Supporting Member
Monthly reminder that the next meet up in Denver is Saturday, February 25 from 9 to 5 at the South Metro Fire Rescue Administration building located at 9195 East Mineral Avenue, Centennial, CO 80112 on the basement level.

All things raspberry pi is the topic this month. Setting them up, running as master and / or slave, retro pi, video looper pi, etc

Also bring suggestions for monthly topics that you would be willing to facilitate. This seemed to work very well last year and made our meetings not so scattered topic wise.

Please post if you are attending so that others will have an idea who is coming so that they won't be the only one. I know this has been an issue in the past so please help in this area.
Is there a specific time? I can swing down for a few hours but have to work and it is an hour drive for me.
Is there a specific time? I can swing down for a few hours but have to work and it is an hour drive for me.

I believe the meeting time is between 9am-5pm. It would be great to have another member there for the meeting. Hope to see you there.
I have the following items for sale. Most items are new in the box. I can send a more detailed list (spreadsheet) or pictures upon request . I can bring them to the Feb. 25th meeting is their any interest in them.

(4) multi function clear mini lights (150ct)
(24) blue mini lights - white wire (100ct)
(31) blue mini lights - green wire (100ct)
(24) purple mini lights - white wire (100ct)
(4) purple mini lights - green wire (100ct)
(11) red mini lights - white wire (100ct)
(13) red mini lights - white wire (300ct)
(6) green mini lights - white wire (100ct)
(5) net mini lights multi color 4x6 (150ct)
(2) net mini lights red color 4x6 (150ct)
(2) net mini lights green color 4x6 (150ct)
(6) LED net mini lights blue color 4x6 (150ct)
(5) mini lights garland (red/green/blue) (unknown ct)
(12) clear icicles mini lights (300ct)
(3) red & green icicles mini lights (300ct)
(1) red icicles mini lights (custom made) (300ct)
(3) green icicles mini lights (custom made) (300ct)

holiday projectors (older style)

Mr Christmas - Animated Light Sculpture - Santa
(with motorized movement)
rings his bell & tips his hat
35" wide x 52.5" high
multi color mini lights (wrapped)

48" LED lit wreath (Seasonal Source)
[150 count warm mini LED]

8' sitting bear
4' Frost the Snowman
6' (long) Santa in plane (propeller spins)
6' snowglobe (Snowman - "Let it Snow"

EXTENSION CORDS & ADAPTERS (various quantities)
large gauge multi outlet (green)
polarized indoor (zip cord) (green & brown) (various sizes 6' - 15')
3 prong outdoor (green) (20' & 40' sizes)
3 outlet adapter (green & orange)
Very rarely do we ever run that long. We will be starting a 0900 and depending upon turnout and how things go we wrap up by about 2pm. We have been pooling our money and having food delivered, but it up for discussion. I have the room reserved until 5pm because the one time I did not, another group reserved the room for the afternoon and we were not finished.

Hope to see you there!
