Converting .asm to .hex for LedTriks

Keith R

Supporting Member
I have a custom .hex file for my ledtriks (Triks-C) that seems to be corrupt. I don't have any way to convert my .asm to hex and I don't remember how I did it last time. I looked on the internet, but all of the avenues didn't work. All I have done is removed the init frame and both frames with the test sequence. Can someone point me in the right direction or convert the file for me? The hex file goes into an Atmel ATtiny2313
You can go to Atmel and download their IDE (Atmel Studio) and compile the code. Since you want a custom hex, the one I give (which is a Radio Station tune-to in standby mode is probably not what you want).
I have been working on this on and off for a couple of months. I have issues from object file is empty to error assembling file. I will include the .asm file here hoping someone can help me out.


  • TRIKSC V02_2014.asm
    33.4 KB · Views: 5
I'll try and get some screen caps. I was using Studio 6.1 which might be older by now but I haven't done a lot with Atmel stuff lately. I use the New Project wizard and select new .asm project and point it to your .asm file. Somewhere in that you tell it to use the 2313 and then just Build it. Goes pretty quick.

Now that I just typed that - I forget - did this require 2313 or 2313A? I built it for the 2313 so might have to redo it if important...
I had Downloaded 6.1 and just couldn't get there. I had AVR Studio 4 on an older computer and used the Project Wizard. Bingo!
Thanks for the file, though. Works like a champ.