Converting Matt Johnson Matrix to 32x32 coroboard


Supporting Member
My MJ 34x30 pvc pipe matrix was too sloppy for me when I built it last year, but it was good enough for 1st show. Now moving pixels to a coroboard style but the media is clear (greenhouse 6mm panels). It will be adjusted to 32x32 on a 4' square with 1.5" spacing. That said, should I leave the board clear or paint it? There is a member here with some really nice youtube videos and the 4 matrix displays on his windows were clear he said (pre-made I think).
I did a small test pattern and not everything is mounted fully (have some depth adjustments to make) but the diffusion light created looked okay.. Well at least running a sans test pattern. Animation is still to be determined. Pixels not protruding all the way had more diffusion. It will mount above the garage against the siding. I am thinking of placing 4" standoff legs so the wire loops will not have to be flattened.
Test Pattern.jpg
So I ran into a problem with Vixen and this matrix using uneven number of strings. My 30x34 had 6 each 170 count, each on it's own e682 connector and universe (510). Now have 5 strands of 170, & 1 strand of 174 count (makes 32 rows of 32) The new starts out the same but then I have to change the 2nd zig to whatever was left when the previous string ran out. 1st was (32,32) 2nd (22,32) 3rd (12,32) 4th (2,32) 5th (24,32) & 6th (14,32) if I remember correctly. Will post a screen shot later. Running a screen test in the e682 I had to reverse strings 2,4 & 5 to make the test pattern flow left to right. Number 1 pixel is bottom left. In Vixen sequencer if choose a curtain effect and observe directly on the grid, those rows still need to be reversed, but if I use a default pinwheel, the center spoke is distorted. I am going to update FPP tonight and try exporting a test sequence and see if Falcon control is different than Vixen direct control.
Sans 32x32 grid.JPG Sans 32x32 working  grid.jpg

Got home and checked Falcon, doesn't appear any changes were need. With the all universes set to normal (no reverse strings) I get these displays of numbers that are backwards except the 3rd set from the bottom (universe 3).
If I reverse any universe, it gets worse not better.
Number 2.jpg Number 4.jpg


  • Sans Main Page.jpg
    Sans Main Page.jpg
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So I ran a test sequence and there are rows that are backwards. Can I use the link tool to enter grid string lengths to each row and have them zip zag at different points like the e682? In other words can I create a 32x32 grid with 5 (170 count) and 1 (174) count strings in Vixen?
Link Tool.JPG
so i ran into a problem with vixen and this matrix using uneven number of strings. My 30x34 had 6 each 170 count, each on it's own e682 connector and universe (510). Now have 5 strands of 170, & 1 strand of 174 count (makes 32 rows of 32) the new starts out the same but then i have to change the 2nd zig to whatever was left when the previous string ran out. 1st was (32,32) 2nd (22,32) 3rd (12,32) 4th (2,32) 5th (24,32) & 6th (14,32) if i remember correctly. Will post a screen shot later. Running a screen test in the e682 i had to reverse strings 2,4 & 5 to make the test pattern flow left to right. Number 1 pixel is bottom left. In vixen sequencer if choose a curtain effect and observe directly on the grid, those rows still need to be reversed, but if i use a default pinwheel, the center spoke is distorted. I am going to update fpp tonight and try exporting a test sequence and see if falcon control is different than vixen direct control.
View attachment 44623 View attachment 44624

got home and checked falcon, doesn't appear any changes were need. With the all universes set to normal (no reverse strings) i get these displays of numbers that are backwards except the 3rd set from the bottom (universe 3).
If i reverse any universe, it gets worse not better.
View attachment 44626 View attachment 44627
I recalled this post about e682 and zigzag issues with ver 5 firmware =>
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Thanks for the link. Seems it has been a problem for a while. Last year I ran it all season with 30x34 with no problems using version 5. One thing different was each strand was 1 universe per controller port, nothing shared.