Copper Connection


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Anyone had a chance to try out this program?

It has a built in ExpressPCB converter as well a Gerber export.
I played with this a little bit tonight. It's very similar to using ExpressPCB however it does not have a Schematic module - only the PCB layout. This is OK I guess but if you have anything semi-advanced, you'll want a schematic to ensure you have the correct connections, etc. Also - it does not export to Gerber format in the free version - it's $49 to upgrade to the Studio version that allows that.

So - while this can make a bigger board than the free version of Eagle, since it *is* bigger, you'd probably need/want a schematic of it to ensure you have it all connected right! You get Gerber export free with with the free Eagle version as well. Dunno - I know I won't be switching any time soon. It's OK for making small boards for home etch I suppose - but then Eagle can usually do that already...