Couple of PIC questions


New member
I just completed my first of two Renard SS16 boards and realize I need a PIC controller (as I was going through the diagnostics). Please forgive my ignorance as this is all entirely new to me and I am still astounded that I soldered an entire circuit board. I found the PICkit 3 but there is now a PICkit 4. I was wondering if this would be a better option as they are the same price from Microchip? It seems like the knockoffs are all coming from China and would take too long to arrive so I am fine getting the real deal. Also, I see I need a board to plug the PIC chip into, but couldn't find one on the Microchip website so any help with locating one would be greatly appreciated as all my searches are pointless because calling it a "PIC pluggy-inny-thingy" yields little valuable results and usually I find myself on some dark corner of the web. Would this one on Amazon work? Hoping to get everything working within the next week.
Ha! I should've known since everything has been so easy. Thanks Wayne. I'll start hooking things up right now.