Developers, the people who diy hardware


I would like to take this time to make, and ask all members to read, this post.

The group of people we refer to as the Developers do a great job designing new hardware for us less than capable users. I can not fully understand what it is like to come up with an idea and design a functioning product because I do not have the knowledge to do it. By the limited number of Developers I assume most are in the same boat as I am.

It is my understanding that some of the Developers may be getting a bit burned out as there is so few of them yet so many new hardware designs. They keep getting requests to make this or that. They would like some other people to jump in and do some developing.

Another sore point is when a new design is under development and they take the job and start the design process because no one else did. Then you get the individual who comes along and says something like "That will not work" or "I know a better way". Well if you are so knowledgeable then you build it! Come on guys, the Developers get no money and sometimes less appreciation for what they do. Either keep your mouth shut or jump in and design it. Now if you have something constructive to say or a suggestion thats one thing but do not come out and in a rude way say you know better. That helps no one. Instead why not give them a pat on the back or offer to help out in some way. Let them know you appreciate their hard work that often goes without reward.

I have not been contacted by anyone in particular but I have read some indications and seen some actions that lead me to believe the above to be true. There is no one particular scenario I am referring to, its a trend I see and it appears to be getting worse.

I want to take this time to give a standing ovation to all the Developers. I applaud all of you. Of the almost 1,400 members here most would not be blinking their lights if it were not for your selfless work.

Anytime a Developer or anyone else feels less than appreciated around here please feel free to come back to this post and know that the Admin. is truly appreciative of your hard work and dedication to this community. That statement is for every member here, not just the Developers. Without every single one of you we would not be as strong as we are.

Thank You to All.
That's great!

Let's put it as a sticky in the Development section.

If a developer is feeling unappreciated for some reason, an appreciative crowd is just a click away. You can see me in the audience applauding! (4th row up 5 or so to the left)

All I need is a little time away from work!
Which makes it even more remarkable what our developers achieve!

Well done, guys!
I want to take this time to give a standing ovation to all the Developers. I applaud all of you. Of the almost 1,400 members here most would not be blinking their lights if it were not for your selfless work.
Thank You to All.

I second that!

If it wasn't for all these nice people who have taken the time to develop the hardware and software, post the information here, and stick around to answer questions -- and all for free; people with little-to-no knowledge of what the heck all the stuff is actually doing (like me) would have no chance at animating our light displays... or at least doing it well.

Thank you to all!!

P.S. If any of the developers can figure out a way for a guy who has no knowledge and is waiting for the parts from the coop before assembiling his first board, can help them out, please let me know.
Yes I agree thanks to the developers. The only think that I can offer is support money, the ability to beta test and I can run Co-Op for parts if needed.

Thanks again

Just a note from a newbie...

I just wanted to put a thanks out there to the developers too. Being extremely new to this I am constantly amazed at how someone came up with these devices. Even more amazing is your willingness to help out people like me trying to understand how these things work. Hopefully one of these days I'll understand enough to help out and answer some questions instead of always being the one that's asking.

Brian put it very well:

"I want to take this time to give a standing ovation to all the Developers. I applaud all of you. Of the almost 1,400 members here most would not be blinking their lights if it were not for your selfless work."

Thanks guys and gals. Your efforts are very much appreciated!:D:D

From someone who is developing stuff, just some thoughts.

(a) Developers love feedback, good or bad about what they are doing, as long as its constructive.. feedback breeds better development. End users always think up new ways of using your latest widgets in ways you never dream of.

(b) At least for me, i develop stuff that i will use myself. If that ends up being useful for someone else, fantastic, if not, its no loss.

(c) I look around my workshop and see thousands of dollars of programers, test gear, components and tools, pcbs that did'nt work first time, etc etc.. Trust me, I'm not in it for the money..

(d) Each developer has a differnet take on 'open'.. Some like me, will pretty much share everything about a design, some won't.. Take it or leave it, its the developers choice. If you don't like it, no one forces you to use their design.

(e) Developers choose to use certain technologies, but i wont' be restricted by crys like 'surface mount is too hard'.. Again no one is forcing you to use it..

(f) Respect the fact that some developers might choose to put their projects/products up for sale, externally to diyc, as madeup/assembled or as kits, and that they may appear to be making a profit on them. No one is forcing you to buy them. And be tolerant if they put the odd link or reference to their web shop on line.

(g) keep the ideas flowing.. Many of the developers are awesome electronics / programming experts.. That does'nt mean that they are the best at thinking up new ideas.. Sometimes, its great to here a " i wished i could have a widget that does XYZ ".. Engineering folks thrive of solvign problems. They just don't always know what the problem is..
Im in the same boat as deplanche above, coop parts on the way--NO ability to do anything electronicly speeking (probably even spelled it wrong). however will be more than willing to help out any way i can!!!!! JUST ASK

Thank for all your hard work,

We're not worthy! We're not worthy! as Wayne & Garth used to say.

You guys rock!

Me without you guys thinking this stuff up = no blinky flashy, just boring static display.

Me with you guys leading the way = 128 dimmable channels in '08!

Wooo Hooo!

Thanks a million to all you guys who think up this stuff!
I have an immense amount of respect for our developers. I know that these guys have a HUGE amount of experience and in some cases a gift if you will. As far as me developing something,... Thats kinda like asking a guy whose dabbled in music to become a rock star. Oh ya, I'll be the Al Bundy looking Neandertal behind the curtain covered garage going "I knew I could do it" as I feverishly flicked the light switch. First on, then off, sometimes slow and oh ya (Big finale) sometimes fast. The whole time watching carefully to see when people try to tune their radios just so I can start to whistle silent night as if on que. This all as I know I can't walk and chew gum,.... "oh who am I kidding."
"P E G!!!! I can't seem to find my recent copy of Big'Uns."
NO ability to do anything electronicly speeking (probably even spelled it wrong).

Thats OK Gizmo i always though us people who couldnt develop a sneeze without major instructions were elektronikally diseasable
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Great points Macrosil. I have to give my appreciation to the talented developers. I only wish I knew how to do a fraction of what they are capable of. I am here to help in any way and maybe I can learn. I support every aspect of what everyone here does. Keep up the good work. If you need help, I will do what I can. You all deserve to be recognized.
As far as me developing something,... Thats kinda like asking a guy whose dabbled in music to become a rock star. Oh ya, I'll be the Al Bundy looking Neandertal behind the curtain covered garage going "I knew I could do it" as I feverishly flicked the light switch. First on, then off, sometimes slow and oh ya (Big finale) sometimes fast. The whole time watching carefully to see when people try to tune their radios just so I can start to whistle silent night as if on que. This all as I know I can't walk and chew gum,.... "oh who am I kidding."
"P E G!!!! I can't seem to find my recent copy of Big'Uns."

While we were on our annual "drive to look at the lights" a few years ago, we saw our first animated display and I decided that we were going to do this someday. After looking at some of the commercially available controllers, we decided that there was no way that we were going to spend that much money. Being a long-time electronics experimenter, I decided that I would try to design a controller myself. After building a few prototypes, I soon realized that I was in over my head. Then, while doing some research on the Internet I stumbled upon and then this forum. I knew right away that I found the right place. So began my addiction to this stuff. I am very grateful to all of the developers who have selflessly donated their time and intellect to this community. Hopefully with the knowledge that I gain from here, I will someday be able to contribute a design of my own.

I would also like to commend you Brian for creating and maintaining the conduit by which all of this great talent is disseminated. I think that you are doing a great job of being fair but not overbearing. I have been a moderator on a few forums, so I have an idea of how difficult it can be, especially as the forum gets larger and you have such a wide variety of opinions and personalities to deal with.
Hmmmm … a little of this … a little of that … some smoke … a few chants (maybe curses) … "Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble" … "Developers?" … No! -- There be Wizards! Of which, I am not able to even qualify as the lowest of apprentices. I bow to you Oh Great and Might Wizards.
And, after a bit of Shakespeare, a quote one of my favorite bands (Dr. Hook), "Thank you, oh thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
The world would be a much darker place without you guys. Again, Thank You for all the smiles and light you help bring into the world.
Well I thinks it's time again to thank all the members that have devoted there countless hours developing the things that make DIYC go Blinky Flashy, there are quite a few of them out there and I personally want to thank them for all there time spent making things work for the DIYC community........:D

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Well I thinks it's time again to thank all the members that have devoted there countless hours developing the things that make DIYC go Blinky Flashy, there are quite a few of them out there and I personally want to thank them for all there time spent making things work for the DIYC community........:D

i too would love to show my gratuity to all the members who engineered, created, and devoted their meaningful lives to help others enjoy what they didn't have to do it, any of it, but yet you did so thank you sooooo much for all that you have done