DIGWDF Four Stick and Xlights


New member
I am trying to see if anyone out there can explain how to use a Four Stick in Xlights? I have the PIC flashed with the DMX code and ESP-01 flashed with the ESPixelStick 3.0 Serial code. My question is in Xlights... How is the controller set up? Like any other E1.31 controller with an IP addr? How do i set it up and with the channels ?:biggrin:
Just add a E1.31 controller w/ the Universe #, if Unicast also will need the IP address, and it will only have 4 channels.
in the model, do i need to set the controller to dmx and a channel number?

I am not familiar enough with xLights to help with this. I would imagine that because you're sending the data in an E1.31 wireless format, the ESP would decode the data into the desired end-format used in the pic. I would think you'd want to set the channel number to the controller, though. Just a hunch...
in the model, do i need to set the controller to dmx and a channel number?

Just set it to start channel. The ESP module is what picks up the signal then translates it. I run renard and dmx from xlights, tget are all just assigned E 1.31 as that it was the esp modules read.