DMX dimming converter


Hi guys
I just bought a DMX dimming converter and just had a couple of quick questions. It came from the US so I removed the 2 115v jumpers and put in the 1 jumper for 230v from AC3 to AC2.

It doesn't say anywhere in the documentation but do I have to change any of the resistors on the board itself for 230v operation?

The second question relates to adding current limiting resistors to the grinch like in the following link It says to add 1/8 Watt resistor between pin 1 and pin 23. I will probably use the first method with the resistors on directly on the ic but I am confused by where it says that pin 23's leg is cut short and turned up. Doesn't that prevent pin 23 from being in the circuit?
Can I just solder directly from pin to pin instead?

My last question relates to programming the DMX starting address.
Can someone just confirm I have got it correct.
I have a ren-c dimmed grinch channels 1-64, New DMX converter and grinch channels 65-128 and a TigerDMX48 from channels 129 to 176. I use an RPM DMX USB to DMX dongle to output DMX.
I will program it in the following way.

1. Create a sequence with 64 channels
2. Set channel 1 to intensity level 65 as this is the dmx starting address I want to set
3. Set all other channels to off
4. Set it to loop and start the sequence. DMX dongle will be on all the time.
5. With the dmx converter off, attach the jumper to JP3
6. Power it up for more than 3 seconds, look for 2 leds lighting up to confirm programming received
7. Remove power and remove jumper from JP3

Thats it.(Hopefully) I have a termination jumper attached to my TigerDMX 48 and have removed the one on the Dimming converter.
