DMX incandescent lighting controller


I am looking for a multi-port incandescent lighting controller.
I have an F16V4 and would like to add a controller thru the F16's DMX port to control my old style incandescent lights on the outside of my house.
Is anyone doing this and or have a recommendation on a controller?
Depending on how many channels you need, a used LOR controller might be your best bet. You can find theatrical/DJ controllers on ebay, but may cost you just as much as the LOR.
Most if not all Renard or Renard Plus Boards can also run on DMX Firmware.
I have run my Renard Plus Boards with DMX Firmware for the last 3 years off PB16 DMX output.
I have BBB16 Boards with the same output that I may use this year or just stay with my PB16, not sure yet.