Double Whammy this weekend


Supporting Member
So I had an emergency kidney stone removal this past Friday. I had a conversation with one of the Nurses. She said she had 2 kids and one kidney stone. She also said the kidney stone (and its healing process) hurt much worse than having either child. So the next time your spouse says men can never have a level of pain that a woman gets in labor, you can tell her that there are some of us out here experiencing worse.

Part two of the Whammy

My wife was admitted to the hospital on Saturday with a burst appendix and a high fever. It seems that she will be staying in the hospital for most of two weeks and then in Sept she will have surgery to remove the appendix.

It has been an exciting weekend.
I don't know about pain from kidney stones, but any man (or boy) that's been kicked down under knows that pain can stop any man in their tracks.

I remember a joke I heard recently that getting kicked in the gonads hurts more than a woman giving birth. When was the last time you ever heard a man say "Gee honey, I wish I could get kicked there again"?

All joking aside I wish you a both a speedy recovery.

So I had an emergency kidney stone removal this past Friday. I had a conversation with one of the Nurses. She said she had 2 kids and one kidney stone. She also said the kidney stone (and its healing process) hurt much worse than having either child. So the next time your spouse says men can never have a level of pain that a woman gets in labor, you can tell her that there are some of us out here experiencing worse.

Part two of the Whammy

My wife was admitted to the hospital on Saturday with a burst appendix and a high fever. It seems that she will be staying in the hospital for most of two weeks and then in Sept she will have surgery to remove the appendix.

It has been an exciting weekend.
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Well, I can totally relate with you in more ways than one.

Here is Serena at a rock climbing comp... (she did quite well by the way)

And here she is 2 days later...

We didn't know it but she was climbing with a serious appendix issue. The over the next two days her temp climbed to 105 and we took her to Children's hospital. They admitted her immediately.

She spent 3 weeks in the hospital hooked up to IVs and drain tubes being pumped full of antibiotics to drain the infection. She was too far gone to operate at that time. The doctor said he couldn't get to the appendix without spreading the infection throughout her abdomen. Then she spent another week at home taking more antibiotics that would choke a horse. They tasted God awful. I know I tasted it to see what she was going through. Almost made me want to barf. And that was WITH the optional flavoring!

February totally shot for that kid.

Here she is in March after finally having the appendix removed. Hope your wife's doctor is as good as Serena's was. Gotta love the heart bandage over one of the incisions. I guess its one of his trademarks.

Kid spent another 2 weeks in the hospital dealing with the last vestiges of the infection including IVs and more drain tubes. That, unfortunately, also included her 8th birthday. Its one she won't forget.

As for kidney stones... They can be serious as hell. Best keep an eye out on them. They can kill you. Seriously. We had to have Sara put down (yorkie) last month because of kidney stones. They had blocked both kidneys and they had shut down. Even with surgery they didn't think the kidneys would return to a functioning state. We didn't realize how serious it was until it was too late. She never showed any pain, just gradually declining appetite and eventually weakening. We took her in because we thought she had a stomach problem. We never thought we wouldn't be taking her home.

Don't mess around with this stuff. Both of these are serious stuff. Its not fun but you gotta do what you have to.
Sorry to hear about your recent troubles. I can relate with the kidney stone! That is unbelievable pain. Having said that, I'd rather have another one than
have to see a loved one suffer through an illness. My thoughts and prayers to you and yours.