Drag and Drop Channel Ordering


New member
Here's something that I just ran into recently, and would be good for the Holdman sequences...

It'd be nice to have the ability to drag and drop channels to re-arrange the order, on the screen, but keep the channel mapping for the controllers (or have a preference for setting re-ordering)
You can do this in a profile.

Create a profile from the sequence, channel order, define new order.

You now have a window you can drag and drop channel order!

You can do this in a profile.

Create a profile from the sequence, channel order, define new order.

You now have a window you can drag and drop channel order!


You can do this within any sequence. It does not have to be in a profile. ;)
You can do this within any sequence. It does not have to be in a profile. ;)

DOH! I missed it. Right click on your channel listing and then Reorder Channel Outputs. I guess this is what happens when I put Vixen down for the summer. :)
Wow, I guess I need to explore a little. I was at work when I posted that, and I never thought to even try it first. We weren't able to do this in 1.1 were we? Maybe that's where I got it from.... riiiiighhht....
Wow, I guess I need to explore a little. I was at work when I posted that, and I never thought to even try it first. We weren't able to do this in 1.1 were we? Maybe that's where I got it from.... riiiiighhht....

Nope, couldn't do it 1.1
It was a feature I anxiously awaited for in the release of Vixen 2.0, because of my channel layout.
Superb timing on this post! I spent most of Sunday afternoon 10 to 25 feet off the ground in the tree in my front yard trying to "set" my light strings where I wanted them with a 20' snow rake refitted with a hook on the end. After several hours I decided not to plug them into the controller as I had planned but rather as I physically, easily (remember, I am up in a tree) could. This is exactly what I need to work on next and now I don't even have to look it up!
During testing of my current setup this past weekend, I found I had a bad RJ45 jack affecting the operation of 4 used channels.

Rather than disassemble the controller to fix it (and burn valuable weekend daylight), I spent 2 minutes moving the Cat5 to a spare jack by editing the natural order in the profile.

What at first read:

<Outputs>0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25, (etc)</Outputs>

Now reads:

<Outputs>19,20,21,22,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,0,1,2,3,23,24,25, (etc)</Outputs>

Adjustable preview and finished sequences like it just fine!
It's the [Name].pro file (the profile your using) in the profile directory.

I use Wordpad to edit the text.

I know I don't have to tell you to create a backup before attempting!
OK, now this topic is going into two different functions of Vixen....

As it started, it was channel ordering..... to make sequencing easier.

and what 'rlilly' has done, is 'toggle outputs' ... these are two very different functions.

The toggle outputs function, actually moves the output of one channel to another and affects your sequence. It is a very useful tool if you are in a situation where this needs to happen, as with his example. I have also used it with the beta Ren8, where the channel outputs were reversed. A quick channel toggle and they where fixed.

Also, you don't have to go into editing a txt file. Just right click the channel list, and toggle outputs is an option. ;)
I don't get it.
If I define a new order ....
DO I hook up the wires according to that order.?
or do I hook up wires to the natural order.?
Thanks in advance
I don't get it.
If I define a new order ....
DO I hook up the wires according to that order.?
or do I hook up wires to the natural order.?
Thanks in advance
This confused me for a while too.

Changing the Channel Order only changes the order that the channels are shown on the screen. You can also save different channel orders to names which can then be loaded just by selecting that name. I found this useful when sequencing with a high channel count.

Reordering the Channel Outputs actually changes the physical order of the channels as they are wired to the controller(s). If your sequence is not attached to a profile, you can reorder the outputs from within the sequence by right-clicking on the channel names column and selecting "Reorder Channel Outputs". Selecting "Toggle Channel Outputs" just shows or unshows the display of the actual channel outputs, it doesn't change anything. If your sequence is attached to a profile, you must reorder the channel outputs of the profile.

One change that I would like to see is putting the real channel numbers on the Reorder the Channel Output's drag-and-drop screen. I picture it having fixed channel number "slots" that you would drag the channel names to.
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I second your last point Don.

However, from what I have seen opening the .vix files with wordpad, is that the channel order is set and the output is based on that. So you would have a fixed channel order "slots" and be dragging the channel outputs to those. Basically the same thing, just different. :)
I clicked on the channel order. and moved things where I wanted them and I went to output plugins, clicked adjustable preview and plug in setup
when I click the little down arrow I see the natural order and I draw the lights in .
Now I click done and try to play the sequence and it is all wrong. NONE of the correct lights show ....
I need a time out.