

My oldest was diagnosed with Epilepsy in May 2015, after his second seizure. He was seizure free for almost 2 years. He had another seizure around 4am Saturday morning. this was worse than the others. Neurologist upped his meds today. We are on egg shells waiting for the next event. You never know when and if it will happen again. Lord here our prayers please.
I'm sorry to hear this news. Prayers that he responds to the new treatment! Hang in there... it's a rocky road.
I'm sorry to hear this news. Stay strong and positive through this as there is hope that this will pass with time / age. I have had seizures when I was younger and was diagnosed with Epilepsy. Then a couple of instances during my late teenage years. I remember my neurologist stating that sometimes it can ease up once the body gets out of the teenage years and the growth that comes with it. I also take medicine and have been thankful to say that I haven't had any issues in close to 13 years. It is a very scary thing to deal with the uncertainty of when or if it will happen again and the dangers that go along with it. Just wanted to share some personal thoughts to say there is hope with the treatment and that it will pass.
So sorry to hear of your son's challenges. As a parent, it's always difficult to watch your children (and later your grandchildren) with difficulties. You are doing what every parent should, getting him the help he needs and being supportive as he deals with it. Sending prayers your way to help you all.
Thinking of you in your time of need. It's sad to watch and praying for God to heal.

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We'll be praying for you as well.

I by no means intend to be disrespectful, but I'll ask the question that's probably the elephant in the room. Does this mean no more blinking lights for you?
Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers everyone!

We'll be praying for you as well.

I by no means intend to be disrespectful, but I'll ask the question that's probably the elephant in the room. Does this mean no more blinking lights for you?
No it does not. He loves the lights and they are not a trigger for him so the Blinky Flashy shall continue.
Please keep the prayers coming. Another seizure this morning at 0330. 2 weeks since the last one. This is the closest they have been.
It's sometimes hardest on the parents -- and our thoughts and prayers are with you! Hang in there!!! Have patience and trust in the Lord!
Prayers sent Brian, my brother suffers from this so I know all to well how scary it is to witness a seizure. Fortunately for us, the doctors found the proper amount and type of drug and he hasn't had seizures in years. I pray they find the proper amount and type for your son and he goes years seizure free.