Everything stopping but not freezing


Your'e right I didn't mention what I have. I have two grinches with Ren C/RenT's and using Modified Renard Plugin. I managed to remember to turn on my timer diagnostics so I should be able to send it to KC if he needs additional info.

Well, I finally got Vixen going. It seems that of the seven sequences, four of them will not turn the lights on, on the show computer (Notebook). I even try 2.0.5 and those four still won’t turn the lights. Actually, the visualizer doesn’t show anything either. The identical directory plays just fine on my desktop system. Three sequences is a bit short but at least it’s running.

Now, I just got to figure out how to get the rest going.
I am happy to say that loading Vixen up with KC's fix, my show has been running continuously for 2.5 hours tonight and although I keep checking it every 15 minutes, I haven't had to re start the show.

Thanks KC!!!