Falcon Player - What Do I Need To Get Started?

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Basic System Requirements:

  1. $35 512MB Raspberry Pi B or B+ from MCM or Newark or Amazon
  2. $11 SanDisk 16GB microSDHC Type 10 card or $8 more for 32GB for the OS
  3. $17.25 32GB Nano Flash to store your sequences, music & videos
  4. $10 Power Adapter (this one is rock solid!)

With just the above items, your PI will be able to send out E.131 without any additional requirements on the PI Side, you will still need hardware to receive E.131 at the other end and that is beyond this post.

Optional Items (Future Expansion):

  1. $10 AirLink 101 N150 WiFi Adapter or Adafruit Mini WiFi Adapter
  2. External Powered USB Hub
  3. RasClock , DS11305 or PiFace - only RTC boards we support so far
  4. RGB LCD Display

RTC Board is necessary if you are running MultiSync and your master is not on the net. Remotes dont need to know the current time.
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