Fill Feature


New member
The fill feature seems to be working, but I have one request with it. Say I have a chase and I want to fill in whats in between the end of that chase and the next effect. If I select the top of the chase and pull down to the bottom of the chase and then select fill area it will fill everything within the box. It would be much better if it only filled either:

A) The entire box
B) there are elements within, at which time it should only fill in between effects...

Does that make sense?
You are using the bulk fill readily selectable from the right-mouse menu.

If you look on that Menu --- look for a "Group Function" selection --- it has "Fill LEFT and Fill RIGHT".

I had thought I had already implemented that when you posted but could not remember where.

That feature works...if you want to extend the current effect, if I do that using the example in the video, it doesn't fill the empty space with a level effect if Im butted against a ramp just extends my ramp up.
Also, I had a thought that pulling from the level effect to the left and choosing FILL LEFT instead of going the opposite way it would doesn't It will only fill that top row.