First Christmas Show

I think you did a very good job sequencing. The only advice I'd have for you is don't be afraid to use a little more motion and flashing, especially to emphasize more dramatic parts of the song. For example, the 2:10 mark is a bit static for how dramatic the music is at that point. I would consider having all the lights pulsing to that part. But overall you did a very nice job.

Before I start a sequence, I usually like to watch a few different sequences of the same song on YouTube. I did this song back in 2019. My display was mainly AC based back then and my videography skills weren't that good, but I'll drop the link in case you're curious about my sequencing style.
Thanks for the reply! There is some stuff going on there, twinkling lights on the mini trees and lots of moving circles on the megatree. I'll look at it again for next year :⁠-⁠). I'm pretty sure I managed to blow out the colors while filming, or converting from log... Still a video noob.

But, I'll do some updates for next year. I think I get it though, from the AC sort of style... Less reliance on individual effects, and seeing the display as a whole for animating. Plus, it would probably help me with my blowing out the video for the small effects.

I've subscribed to your channel. Thanks for sharing
Very nice...
It takes time to learn the sequencing. Also being my first year (but started in mid Jan), I learned very quickly to take advantage of the Great People here and in the Xlights Zoom Room.

Here are 2 of my sequences we did during the very first show and block party this last Sat.
First one is the into to get everyone's attestation
@rreese, I agree with Mike, may want to mute the audio around 31 seconds in to make it family friendly, got caught off guard by the "F" bomb during a nice slow Christmas song. Also curious what the matrix is made of, is that a P5/P10 or just RGB's.
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Great effort for the first time. I agree with 'Dark can be good' approach as makes the watching experience a little more exciting.
I agree with the other comments: great job getting out there with your first show. I'm not an expert like the others--this year is my 3rd attempt. I learned along the way. Some things turned out well, some looked good on the computer but didn't look good for real. I'm still learning what I like.

I've found that I'm my biggest critic because I "know" what I want my lights to look like. But, my family and viewers don't know what's in my head.... They just see what they see. They don't see my mistakes... They just see a show.

With that, I like what you did, and I was entertained. Good show!

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Thank you everyone, I have removed the video as I thought the person who took the video edited out the issue....
I think the biggest thing I learned this year is that green is very vibrant, and I really need to reduce it's brightness to better balance how bright the show is. I did some, but not enough.

Thanks everyone for the comments and suggestions. I will be implementing what I've gathered :⁠-⁠)