Helix 32 CH Daughter Board Channel Issue


New member

I'm working on getting things going for my first year, going through my initial tests and I'm wondering if this channel is going to be an issue or if I shouldn't worry about it. My last channel on my second of two 32 CH Daughter boards won't light up initially (solid phase of test), but it will flash as the test sequence goes through each channel.
I've looked for solder bridges and cold joints and I'm not noticing anything.

Any suggestions?

Greg replied to an email I sent him. The behavior where all the lights light up initially is due to the SIPO (Serial-in, parallel-out) registers that drive the channels boot-up with a random value upon power up. He mentions that ideally, the lights should not turn on initially and due to the random value, some lights may or may not light up upon power up.
So, since the lights do light up during testing, there is no problem. --In case this helps someone else out.