High density singing faces


New member
I?m looking to start my first singing faces props for Halloween. I?d like to have 3 or 4 faces. Perhaps a couple pumpkins and a skull. However, I?ve never been impressed with prebuilt pixel cutouts (either pixel positions seem to far spread or there are too few mouth positions to create a high quality singing mouth). I?m curious to do my own so I may have a higher density of pixels and more options for mouth positions. Where may I find mouth designs/shapes such that I have the most option for mouth positions to create the most realistic singing. It would be helpful if the design also had the mouth positions outlined as well.
For premium mouth movement and positions either a matrix or p5 panels is my suggestion .
I do the lip sync and eye movement in a video editor to simplify the process.
You could use LED 'neon' strip perhaps rather than pixels - but that's normally only single colour which may not be such an issue for a singing face. You could use an DMX -> dc PWM controller, you could probably get away with 10->20 channels depending on how you configure it. I thought about this but opted for pixels in the end.
I built a large singing mouth that has most of the phoneme shapes and uses WS2811 LED neon strips so I can do more with it. You can see it in my videos in my signature.