HLS - Auto-Generate your Beat Track

HI Joe am running 22M and having problems with the Envelope Profile Dialog Box. I can select and enter the values and select the channels. However I can not select RGB Box (it vanishes as you move cursor over it).
Also select then channel button on bottom left of dialog box calls up the 'Select a Channel' box but it is empty- no channels at all in it. Also save profile sometimes works and other times just does nothing when selected.
Cheers Boof63
Ps tried on existing sequence using some candles-segments that weren't being utilised in the song. No luck. Tried fresh song (Music Box Dancer) and tried my working matrix (thanks for that) but same problems, sorry.
You need channels other than a PP in the design grid.

The process works --- take a hard look at what you are doing --- I suspect you have no channels showing on the Grid.

is there anyway to use segments for displaying the vdu output?
or does it all have to be individual rgb pixels?

cheers Boof
Boof I just tested in 22N and built a RGB viewmaster if you put your pointer on the R G B or channel to include rgb channels and click it will include your rgb channels so you can select your default channel or segment, yes if you place the pointer over the selection box it disappears in 22 N, again just place the mouse cursor over an area as I indicated and youll be able to include RGB channels for your default
The disappearing RGB was a Halloween Ghost that stop in early to have some fun.

Marshmallow Man scared him away -- so he is gone in Version 22P.
THanks joe works well now , one small glitch maybe, once you have saved a profile and then reloaded it, selecting save again appears to either overwrite the original or do nothing,
as the save dialog box doesn't appear at all
Otherwise works a treat thanks:cool:
cheers Boof63
It over-writes and saves what you have shown.

I see buttons all the time -- I don't see what you are saying.

If you have saved a profile once, press save again because you tweaked something and it overwrites original. that ok.
But if you wish to save the tweaked version separate, you cant rename it, as dialog box doesn't appear.
Cheers Boof63