HLS Shared Sequences.

Is there an HLS video for total newbies? I have watched a few but they are too advanced for me. I come from LOR s3 with no RGB so I have an idea, I just need to understand how to do things in HLS.
I used HLS to light up my mini (12') Mega Tree this season and it worked great. I was thinking of sharing the little sequence I put together to make my tree come to life but it's so simple I didn't believe that it would not have any worth to anyone. As I was typing this I began thinking that even as simple as it is, it might have some value to those who are getting started with HLS. One of the most difficult things in learning sequencing is getting started. Don't try to create a Holdman Christmas when you are first learning but keep it simple. Maybe by seeing my simple little sequence might give others to confidence to fire up HLS and get started creating their own. One suggestion I can offer is when learning a sequencing software, don't worry about sequencing to music at first. It's more important to learn how to make the lights do what you want, then it's a simple matter of lining up the action with the music later. After finishing this post I'll upload my "3 minutes of silence" sequence that helped entertain our visitors this year. Thank you for helping make this a great Christmas season Joe H.
Here is the sequence: View attachment 3 Minutes of Silence.zip
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Thanks Hotrodder.

Jeffl, could you post what you think would be of benefit to a total newbie? I could then work out and do a tutorial. I can then take what you say, mix it with what I have in mind, and work on it this weekend.
I will do some thinking about the things I have questions over and put a list together. Thank you.
Here is the basic video ideas I have. Most of these we never think about but a newbie would need to know and would be a newbies training wheels.

Download and install HLS

Create a basic sequence and play
Setup new basic channels
Setup visual viewing screen. I'm not sure what it's called.
Add effects to channels. i.e on/off fade etc
Setup an adapter
Play the sequence

Advanced topic
How to convert from vixen and LOR to HLS

Advanced topic
How to setup a setup a play list
How to schedule a show
Here is the basic video ideas I have. Most of these we never think about but a newbie would need to know and would be a newbies training wheels.

Download and install HLS

Create a basic sequence and play
Setup new basic channels
Setup visual viewing screen. I'm not sure what it's called.
Add effects to channels. i.e on/off fade etc
Setup an adapter
Play the sequence

Advanced topic
How to convert from vixen and LOR to HLS

Advanced topic
How to setup a setup a play list
How to schedule a show

Those are good, including the beat track, using sticky channels and some basic hints on sequencing (I'm still learning and this is the hardest part, putting blinky flashy to song!)

ok, Angus 40 has a good tutorial on downloading and installing I have one done on the Preview (visual viewing screen as you call it). Those are all good points. go to the tutorials section of HLS on these forums for the videos and any new ones coming out soon. I can do the basic ones and will start with an updated download and install.

Richard, are you up for doing the advanced ones? You are more proficient than I am there. About the only advanced topic in the list is converting LOR to HLS. I will do that one.
Just thinking aloud here . but your thoughts interest me .

we all measure our selves by others input and opinions .

I could be wrong in my thinking here but are to many how to videos a bad thing ?

(would this take the fun of learning out of the diyc part and dumb down the user )?

Limit expectation and bite into hls with eyes open , kick the tires and have a few dozen plays with it .

once you feel around in the editor and you familiarize your self with the tool bars etc . you will see that hls basically has 5 parts

the front end =
1) audio functions and manage channels

2) the grid = the editor itself

3) out put = where you configure you devices connection type and protocol

4) preview = A seperate screen to draw/paint your channels , a bitmap image can be added to the preview .

5) plenty of tools to experiment with

I have to laugh a bit here , remember that this site is Diyc :) the y= yourself !

This means that we will have to figure some things out by trial and error our selves . the fun of Diyc is figuring out what is between the lines .

I have a feeling that the fun might be lost here by flooding diyc with how to videos of a-z .

I know there seems to be a lot to learn but that is the fun of it and the reward is figuring it out .

There is plenty of how to videos in the hls video forum that will help any novice get hls up and running .

Brian , you are a prime example of this , joining here less than 2 months ago and running a show with hls for 2012

I will however do a video on pixel planes and segments because this is a fairly new addition that can be confusing.

as far as preview that is something Joe is working on and that video will be on hold until he completes it.

the only videos that seem to be lacking is conversion videos , I use hls only and create all my sequences from scratch .

I have no interest or knowledge of how to use a pre made sequences from lor -vixen, lsp or any other sequencer other than hls .

I would however like to see the shared part of hls grow especially for creating custom sequences .

Shared effects has my interest totally !

Shared sequences on the other hand would be a persons private work and would not be expected unless volunteered .

What will make your show unique is the fact that you created the entire show that includes the sequence >>> yourself.

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That is true. I watched all the videos, read the manual, and then if I could not find the answer I then asked. I had a blast trying different things in the sequencer to see what did what in it. Heck, I even learned today that with 11H, I can combine channels to show on one vector in the preview. That was cool and will really come in handy when I get into the pixels. I also found out how to "darken or lighten" the preview image. :thup:

I guess, I am just to "quick to help out" so to speak. I know we are here to help each other out, but you are correct in the fact that the fun for me, is figuring it out.

I know that the joy does come in sequencing your own show. That holds true for me also, but there will be DIYC-ers (<--- new word :) lol ) that have done their own sequence in the other software and would like to "port" it over to HLS. I have done 2 LOR conversions to get a couple of songs up for this year. I can definitely do a quick how to on that. I know with the conversions, I still have to change elements, and add some things for my liking. Again, that was ONLY for this year. Next years show will be ALL MINE :) . I am really looking forward to it. (not to mention, I have to figure out how to add music now to my "graveyard" scene for Halloween. Just music and lights, or signing pumpkins, etc... decisions, decisions... lol)

Your question, are too many how to videos a bad thing.... for me, the answer is yes. Maybe what needs to be done is to figure out what is "taught" or shown on the current videos and listed with each. Just a thought. With all the videos out, I had a bit of a time figuring out what video I saw certain things in that I wanted to go see how to do again. I think mainly because the title is only so big. Maybe a more defined description.

Anyhow, with the new wiki and update to the manual, it should make it much easier for newbies to get up and running.
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This is my favorite display video and what has inspired me to do this hobby from day 1 .


Very unique and excellent example of what users can expect to achieve when they apply their efforts .


Posted in wrong forum , please move to general thread
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WOW, love the HUGE wreath! Mine was the same song but by Holdman https://vimeo.com/440868 a couple of years ago. I looked and looked, but LOR and Planet Christmas were all I could find. Then a friend showed me this site, and the rest is history as they say.
Here are my sequences for 2012. Gangnam Style, Jingle Bell Rock Anthem, Wizards in Winter, Carol of the Bells, Amazing Grace Techno, Jingle Bells Techno, and Music Box Dancer. The last 4 were Vixen files another member converted from Holdman, and I converted to HLS and tweaked for my display.


  • HLS Sequences.zip
    700 KB · Views: 88