If you Engaged with EasyLights.com - I can help


New member
If you purchased one of my Controllers and then engaged with EasyLights.com to acquire pre-made Sequences - ALL is not lost!!!.

The guys at EasyLights.com closed their doors and left all their Customers in a real pickle this year.

The EasyLights.com is still up but it's all smoke -- NOTHING behind it.

EasyLights.com does NOT return phone call or emails. Worse yet -- all the purchased sequences from last year won't run because their dashboard is non-existent.

I have developed a tool that will take all the EZLS (lighting plus audio) files from your SD card and and recover them so you can use them this year and in the years to come.

You can use my HSA program to set playlist and schedules -- play them the way you PAID for them to be played.

If you are are previous EasyLights customer and would like to have your sequences recovered, please send me a PM and we can get it done in a couple of days.

I hope this will make a nicer Christmas for those that were bitten.

Joe Hinkle --

I developed the board and unfortunately put EasyLights.com silk-screened on the board. Big mistake on my part.