Is FPP required to run XLights


New member
I have a new set up with Xlights that I want to run on my Microsoft Surface with Home Assistant. Do I also need a FPP unit?
I have had Xlights drive 100% DMX using nothing but a USB dongle, so I'm going to say no. You don't necessarily have to have FPP.
FPP (Falcon Player) is just that, a player. XSchedule is a player. I believe that Vixen has a player built in. All of these use a file built by a sequencer.
xLights and Vixen (and others) are sequencers. They are used to create the file(s) that will be played by the player to make the lights blink.

Some other hardware can play sequences, but usually at a lesser level.

To answer your question - NO, FPP is not required to run xLights. xLights can play your sequences as you are creating them.
Some player is required to play sequences once they are created.
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No. But it depends on what you want to do and how you interface with xLights and Home Assistant and whether you value using your surface for other things while it is in HA mode.
I didn't run from FPP for years, but I will say since switching to running from a FPP ... things got a lot easier.