Issue with Dirk's Cheap SSR's


I build my Ren32 and 8 Dirk's Cheap SSR's 31 channels worked just fine only 1 didn't work. How or what can i do to start trouble shooting to see what wrong with the 1 channel.
First I would make sure you've swapped the DirkCheapSSRs around with a working one to make sure it's either the controller or the DirkCheapSSR. Swap the cable out if your not using the same one in all your tests.

If it's the controller I would reflow the connections on the RJ45 connector that is having trouble. They can be a little touchy at times. Also take another look at your board too just to make sure nothing was missed.

Well there's not much to them. You have a resistor and an optocoupler. Desoldering the optocoupler will be a pita. Double check your solder joints and your plugs if they are vampire.
Your note kind of left us hanging... does the problem move with the SSR or is the channel dark regardless of which ssr you connect to it? Because if the channel stays dark with different SSRs, then it's a controller issue. But if the channel works with a different ssr, then it's an ssr issue.

Either way, reflowing some solder points is in order on both the controller for that channel and the ssr, checking the RJ45 jacks on the controller AND the ssr to make sure a wire isn't crossed inside it, and if you used a socket on the SSR instead of soldering the chip directly in, swap chips with a working channel.
Either way, reflowing some solder points is in order on both the controller for that channel and the ssr, checking the RJ45 jacks on the controller AND the ssr to make sure a wire isn't crossed inside it, and if you used a socket on the SSR instead of soldering the chip directly in, swap chips with a working channel.

I have similar issues. I built 6 SSR's
#1 All channels works fine
#2-#4 Only channels 1,3&4 work
#5&6 No channels work
(list is a tabulation not representative of actual build order)

I moved all good and bad SSR's to multiple Controllers = no change
I Re-flowed All RJ45 connections, and resistor and chip connections on the bad channels = no change
Could I have bad chips/resistors? (bad luck)
Could i have damaged the chips with too much heat? (possible but unlikely, as I am more than competent at soldering)
I have heard the chip can be sensitive to heat though I haven't had a single one fail yet.

Have you tried checking at the DirkCheapSSR itself to see if you have power there on the connections. Thinking maybe bad cords... Make sure the neutrals are all contacting. Can't hurt to check that as well... The 2nd gen board makes that easier since the neutrals all have a connection on the board. 1st gen you have to just tie them all separately off board; I liked that better for some reason...
If you plan to solder the chips into the board, it's extremely important that you solder the external power wires that go to the lights FIRST, and solder the chips in afterward. The solder pads for the wires are close to the chip leads and you easily cook the chip if you solder everything to the SSR first and then add the wires later.

A solution is to solder sockets to the board instead of soldering the chips directly. Then when you're ready to use it, insert the chips and go from there.
Did not do it... My ren 24lv started acting up so I shelved the project

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