Latest version of 3.0


New member
I read there is a vixen 3.0 1.5 out were can I find it?
Is there much difference from the first beta that I have now?
I read there is a vixen 3.0 1.5 out were can I find it?
Is there much difference from the first beta that I have now?

Version is still in alpha mode at best.

Currently the best stable version 3.0 B0.


editorial comment here

Oops, I guess I should have read further on in the forum. I guess there is a build.

Again I caution this may or may not be very stable or very complete. For a beginner I would stick with 3.0 B0 for now. Learn it as I am doing and then progress up to the next version as testing is more complete.

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James is right; there isn't much different in the front-end UI...yet. If you're doing module development -- notably effect and controller modules -- that's where a lot of the change has been so far.

For future reference, the downloads are at In order of least-mature to most-mature:
  • build
  • alpha
  • beta
  • release
I currently have been playing with 3.0 beta which I think is awesome I did find I think the 3.0 1.5 and downloaded it and very quickly went back to the beta version.
Me do module development couldn't even tell you what that is. I'll leave that to you smart guys lol.
Just was trying to make sure I was keeping up to date is all. Can't wait until the final version of vixen 3 is done it looks so promising thanks KC and everyone else that is working on it.
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I currently have been playing with 3.0 beta which I think is awesome I did find I think the 3.0 1.5 and downloaded it and very quickly went back to the beta version.
Me do module development couldn't even tell you what that is. I'll leave that to you smart guys lol.
Just was trying to make sure I was keeping up to date is all. Can't wait until the final version of vixen 3 is done it looks so promising thanks KC and everyone else that is working on it.

Like I stated previously before, nightly/periodic builds of software are in the testing phase.

I have done software testing before and I have also built test fixtures so that software could be tested and debugged. So it is often a process that can take time. Especially when done on one's free time. Integration can be a pain at times. You forget to pass a parameter to one or more parts of the whole software or even the stupidest thing like a typo can cause an issue.

I can tell you from experience that some software bugs are very hidden and take extremely unique situations for them to be exposed. Stick with beta releases if you have to have a product before it is ready. At least Beta releases are complete and may still be a bit buggy.

So far this is has all the potential to be a very good product when done.

Just my two cents but if I were new to this hobby and I am as this will be my first year, I would plan on using Vixen 2.1. The most time intensive part of this project in my mind is the sequencing and I find it much easier to sequence when I can look at or borrow from someone else's hard work. There are a plethora of sequences for Vixen available on the web for Vixen 2.xx especially from Land-O-Lights and other generous folks who make their sequences available. One can save so much time by copying and pasting elements from one sequence to another and learning from looking at how different people handle a sequence. I spent a month or so with Vixen 3.0 setting up my display and playing with the program but realized in my mind that it was too much of a gamble as a newbie to take that chance. This is in part because I am probably doing to much for my first year in that while I am planning no RGB other than DIYC floods (9 floods/18 boards), I am approaching 300 channels and I will spend a lot of time building the different elements to the show. Man, It is the middle of June and I am already two months behind. How can it be summer so soon! :)
I am still new and learning but I did do a small show last year. Only one renard ss 24 but I tried to download other peoples work but had a hard time adding their sequence into my display. I have the 2.1 version of vixen and i did spend months sequencing but when I got done I was happy with it and the elements matched my light layout. I have been playing with 3.0 off and on mostly last year when it was released and just now getting back in the swing of things (halloween show in four mounths!!) When it was released I went ahead and made a test sequence and tested it while the lights were up during the day, I was quite impressed with how fast chases and such could be achived. Now to just see how it is when it comes to trying to get everything set to the music. I think Im gonna try to make my halloween show on 3.0 and 2.1 and try to run the show with 3.0. Of course I will test it several times before Halloween night but I'm gonna give it a shot and see what happens.
Just my two cents but if I were new to this hobby and I am as this will be my first year, I would plan on using Vixen 2.1. The most time intensive part of this project in my mind is the sequencing and I find it much easier to sequence when I can look at or borrow from someone else's hard work. There are a plethora of sequences for Vixen available on the web for Vixen 2.xx especially from Land-O-Lights and other generous folks who make their sequences available. One can save so much time by copying and pasting elements from one sequence to another and learning from looking at how different people handle a sequence. I spent a month or so with Vixen 3.0 setting up my display and playing with the program but realized in my mind that it was too much of a gamble as a newbie to take that chance. This is in part because I am probably doing to much for my first year in that while I am planning no RGB other than DIYC floods (9 floods/18 boards), I am approaching 300 channels and I will spend a lot of time building the different elements to the show. Man, It is the middle of June and I am already two months behind. How can it be summer so soon! :)

In my humble opinion if some on was doing their first layout and sequencing like I am, I would use vixen 3.0 if I were to stick with free software. Otherwise I would purchase a software sequencer. I do agree with you that sequencing is the hardest to do. Vixen 3.0 makes that easier in my opinion. I think that 3.0 may cut the time to do a 3 minute sequence down from about 15 hours to one or two hours for the beginner. I have heard that one person has installed 3.0 and within a half an hour had a full sequence done and running.

Determining layout and what your pocket book can afford is the most time consuming part of this. My display will be small compared to some on this group and others. I planning upward of 2000 lights and leverage the existing incandescent strings that I already have. In time I plan to go totally to LED strings but I can't do all this year unless I win a small lottery or some great windfall of cash comes in.

My plans for 2012 are:

20 luminaries RGBW
4 mini trees undecided if they will be single channel of multichannel
9 large candy canes in three groups (single channel each)
10 small candy canes in one group
3 strings of 140 incans (4 channels each)
plus anything else I can without overloading 2 15 amp circuits.

All I want to be DMX controlled and dimable. by count I need 106 channels and bunch of boards to design and build.
