Lights not powering up


New member
I have expanded my system this year and running into some issues and I am hoping folks can help. I am using a HinksPixPro with a long range receiver (lives where A is) and having issues with lights not working. I am using a combo of 10watt flood lights and 12v bullet pixels. The #s identify a flood and letters are start or end of a pixel string. The layout is below. Left side wiring flows like this: receiver > A (189 pixels) > B (11 pixels that are set to off) > 7 > 8 > C (144 pixels) > D (6 pixels set to off) > 9. When I do a output test via Hinks web services everything A > B works, but nothing beyond it. I tried power injecting between b and the rest of the string, no changes. If I drop both 7 and 8 and go from B > C then that string lights up but 9 remains out. The floods work on their own when I wire the 4 together on a separate output. I am having similar on right side. This one makes a little more sense since there is a 30 ft run between the receiver and flood 5. At 20ft there is a FAMP before the next 10 feet. Receiver > 6 > 5 > E (96 pixels) > F (4 pixels set to off) > 4 > 3 > 2 > G (123 pixels) > H (actually trimmed off extra pixels for once) > 1. Lights power on from 6 > 5 > E > F then nothing after. Thoughts? I have the brightness limited to 30% and I know I am running more than what HolidayCoro says is possible per board, but I have another LRR running almost 900 12v pixels at 30% with no issues. That board is simply running pixels though.


Hinks config on the LR receiver

Xlights visual config