March Meet Up of the Colorado Light Enthusiast in Denver


Supporting Member
Just a reminder that the March meet up in Denver is this Saturday, March 28 from 9 to 5 at the South Metro Fire Rescue Authority Administration Building located at 9195 East Mineral Avenue in Centennial, CO 80112. Everyone welcome, bring your questions and projects to show off or get help with.

Just saw your meeting announcement. Count me in from 9-11 (after that I have a zip-line adventure booked). I am just in town for spring break and new to this hobby but really excited about it. I have nothing to share but may bring my Komby sandwich that isn’t quite working yet.
Looking forward to meeting other light enthusiasts!
Thanks to all of you at the meet-up today. You were all very warm and welcoming. Brian, thanks for making these meetings happen; it's a fabulous facility. It was great to learn about xLights/Nutcracker and I look forward to trying it out. Wished I could have stayed longer as more cool things looked to be going on (matrix display?).
Thanks Again