Mattos Designs EVO pixels in Canada?


New member
Hi all,

I would love to give Matthos' EVO pixels a try, but shipping to Canada from the states seems to be prohibitive ( I was going to get $200 worth of pixels and the shipping is OVER $200 itself ).

I was wondering if anyone is aware if there is a Canadian distributor of his products by chance, or if anyone is aware of the plan for that to become a thing.

Thank you very much and happy new year to you all!
I was wondering if anyone is aware if there is a Canadian distributor of his products by chance, or if anyone is aware of the plan for that to become a thing.
Mattos Designs is the only seller of 'Evo pixels'. As it is trademarked under their company.

You may be able to get similar pixels from Ray Wu on AliExpress. I may have seen some mention on the xLights Facebook groups of Your Pixel Store (YPS) coming out with a similar pixel but I cannot confirm.

I would email/contact Mattos Designs to ask about better shipping prices. No harm in contacting a real person!
Might as well got with a reputable company if you can and Evo pixels are well made (I got a sample of Evo's before they were released... I maybe biased ;)).