Memorial Day 2020


Supporting Member
I found this appropriate for the day so wanted to share. I have relatives names on a few of these places and fought with some names during my years military. Never forget why we are the nation that we are, please.

This is a touching and beautiful reminder of the sacrifices of so many who answered the call of duty and gave that "last full measure of devotion". While it concerns those buried on foreign soil, it should also call to mind the thousands buried at Arlington, in veterans' cemeteries and in all the church and family cemeteries all over the country. Sometime during Memorial Day, remind your families that it is not all about picnics and boat rides and beach trips. One of my favorite Bible verses is Isiah 6:8 which says Then I heard the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?".....And I said, "here am I, send me!" Millions of men and women have answered the call and said, here I am, send me, and never came back alive. Never forget.