Module for Vixen 3.x - Web interface

No, there's been nothing like that looked at so far.

I'm not familiar with the v2 interface; what did it have, or what was it used for? It's something we can add into V3, although it's probably a fair undertaking, at a guess. What sort of features or functionality would it need to have/provide?
I know one of the interesting features/plugins was computer-computer connectivity... so that multiple computers/houses could be controlled/synced by one.. I never used it, but the idea of a neighborhood sync was pretty good in my eyes... ;) I believe the web interface was used so someone could test the lights with a tablet/smartphone outside at the lights.. really basic functionality if I remember what I saw of it.
Sorry didn't mean to be a 'User' :w00t:

The feature was under Vixen called VixenServerUI.exe It allowed to do http gets to a url to control vixen:

If you can send http requests, you can control Vixen with:

Client commands:
http://<server address>:41402/<client name>/doesnt/matter/whats/in/here/command.html?action=<action>&<params>

Server requests:
http://<server address>:41402/blah/blah/blah/request.html?action=<action>&<params>

Debug echo:
Use the "debug.html" terminal path node and it will echo back what you've sent.

Client command actions:

Action: on (Turn channel on)
Params: channel=<channel index from 1>

Action: off (Turn channel off)
Params: channel=<channel index from 1>

Action: toggle (Toggle channel on/off)
Params: channel=<channel index from 1>

Action: list (Lists sequences or programs present in the local installation)
Params: type=program|sequence (default if type not specified))

Action: execute (Executes the loaded sequence or program)
Params: (none)

Action: pause (Pauses the loaded sequence or program)
Params: (none)

Action: stop (Stops the loaded sequence or program)
Params: (none)

Action: retrieve (Client retrieves a sequence or program)
Params: scope=local|remote (local=within local Vixen installation, remote=from the server (default if omitted))
type=sequence|program (sequence is default if omitted)
filename=<name> (the file name as it appears in the results of a list command)

Action: status (Client execution status)
Params: (none)

Action: timer (Timers currently executing on the client)
Params: data=count|status (if "status", use "index" parameter to specify an executing timer. "index" not used with "count".)
index=<timer index>

Server request actions:

Action: list (Lists sequences or programs uploaded to the server, also lists registered clients)
Params: type=client|program|sequence (default if type not specified))

Action: execute (Broadcasts the execute command to all clients)
Params: (none)

Action: pause (Broadcasts the pause command to all clients)
Params: (none)

Action: stop (Broadcasts the stop command to all clients)
Params: (none)

Action: authenticate (Authenticates a control client against the server password)
Params: value=password (plain-text)
Oh, nifty!

No, there's nothing like that, and there's no immediate plans for it. It's something that would be cool eventually, but it would be a lower priority since it doesn't seem to be a 'core' feature or heavily requested. :)

But by all means, feel free to look at how to implement something like that and put together a plan/proposal and we can go through it.
