Mouths with phonemes


New member
Is there a library or different mouth shapes and sizes with associated phonemes for makes your one talking props?
Suggest you download some of the models from the Internet, both xLights and Vixen have this option I believe. The prop definitions come with the mouth shapes and phonemes pre-configured for you. I took at a look at a few, some were better than others. In the end I designed my own based on what I liked amongst the available models. There are instructional videos about how to do the mapping for Vixen, I suspect xLights offers similar. It's relatively easy - but time consuming! I believe some people have shared timing collections for some tracks which you could import.
Once you have models setup that have your mouths defined each sequencer has ways to translate lyric phonemes to those mouth definitions. There are also tools out there on the web that can take the song audio and a text file of lyrics and turn that into a timing track. Those may be Audacity or XLights format. Vixen and XLights both have capabilities to import those and be used to auto sequence the mouth movements.

Start a thread in the respective sequencer forums and you will get much more details about the sequencer you are using.