move lip sync phrase


New member
I am trying to move/clone a lip sync phrase on the timeline and same prop so I don?t have to re type. Is this possible? I?ve tried and it?s not working. I?ve also tried cut/paste. Any tips appreciated. I?m using Vixen 3.
To clone one, just select it, right click -> copy, then select the place you want to put it, right click -> paste and you will get a copy of it. Cut works to move it, or you can drag it to the new location.
To clone one, just select it, right click -> copy, then select the place you want to put it, right click -> paste and you will get a copy of it. Cut works to move it, or you can drag it to the new location.

Yes I?ve done that but when I try and move it to another place on the timeline I just get a ?rest? phoneme and not the whole phrase. It works fine if I stay within the same phrase and move up and down to a different prop but if I try to change position on the timeline earlier or later it doesn?t work. I?ll try again using your method. I may have been using the left mouse button.
Are you trying to clone the effect, or the phrase mark in the mark bar? If you clone the phrase in the mark bar, you would need to generate the word/phoneme as well, or copy them as well. The effect works off the phoneme marks. The phrase and the word marks are just to help guide you to getting the phoneme marks created in the right spot.

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It worked by copying the translated words on the third line from the top of the timeline. Cut and paste on the line then applying the lip sync effect to the prop as done with the original. Hope I explained this o.k. Thanks for your suggestions.