My Dad

So sorry to hear that news. I lost my dad to cancer many years ago. It will be a wonderful day when they can cure that terrible curse.

My deepest sympathies! I lost my dad 4 years ago to lung cancer and I lost mom in September. They are both with me everyday in my heart though. Hang in there and remember God is with you and with him!

i know these times are very hard. i have lost both my parents many years ago. (mother skin cancer '91, father Alzheimer's '10) only my mother knew Jesus.

know this and know peace
that one day his and all our suffering will end and those that KNOW Jesus and have a personal relationship with Him, will have the only peace that passes all understanding. my prayer is that you and your family know this deep in your heart. and one day all those that in Christ Jesus will be raised up along with Him and have new bodies, perfect bodies. free from disease, illness and pain. this i know to be true!
So sorry to hear this news Wayne. My dad suffered from Cancer and he fought a good fight but he knew it was his time. When that time came, he was surrounded by family and friends. I think this is all anyone can ask for, to feel the love before passing. Prayers sent.
Prayers for you and your family. I lost my dad 4 years ago to stage 4 lung cancer that moved into his back. Four months from diagnostics to gone. To see someone that was always so strong lose the will to live was heartbreaking. Let your dad know that no matter what happens you love him and will always be there for him and to never give up.
Thank you everyone, this is greatly appreciated. Unfortunately, my Dad passed away this morning.