my vertical meter is going side to side on my trees


New member
I'm using Vixen 3.9u5, and I've made some mini trees with 7 legs, each with 21 pixels. I'm trying to get the cool vertical meter effect to work, but the meter starts green on the right side and then goes left depending on the level of the sound. I don't see any option in the effect editor that will change it from horizontal to vertical. I really didn't expect to see a change of orientation because the name of the effect is "Vertical" meter. I set my trees up with the first pixel on the bottom of the left most leg, and I have selected zigzag every 21 pixels. Most of the other effects work like I would expect, but I would really like this one for a song I'm using. Thank you in advance.
I couldn't find the strings/location setting, but in just trying everything, it was the "depth" setting. When I moved it from 0 to 1, it started going down, but there's a "flip" box, so it's working as it should now. Thank you!