Need some prayers


New member

My family could use your prayers right now, specifically for my son. Our seemingly healthy 8 year old son had his 8 year old checkup two weeks ago at which time the doctor discovered something that troubled him. A MRI was done a few days later and tonight my wife received a phone call from our pediatrician himself who informed us that he will now need surgery and to be expecting a phone call tomorrow from the surgeon. I don't want to go into detail as we do not yet know all the details ourselves but please keep him and my family in your prayers.


All my positive thoughts are heading your way. Had very similar scenario many years ago when my son was 3. What's your young blokes name?
Steve--you can believe that "By His stripes your son was healed". A Biblical promise given to us by God.
His name is Aiden. Thank you everyone for your support, thoughts and prayers. My wife and I really appreiciate it.