Need the thx "tex" intro

I need the thx intro. Its the one that shorts out half way through. I figured this being my first year doing a computer controlled display it would be appropraite. I looked everywhere with no luck. 6hrs on google only turned up poor quality u-tube videos and a couple of people on lights o rama used it in there display. I checked thx website they offer their intros for free, if for personal use, so there sould be no copyright issues. Any help or links would be great. Thanks James
The one you want I think is called "Robots". If you do a google search of "thx robots download" you should find it. That's how I got it(I just don't know where it is right now).
Go to sequence ( under Vixen ) go to "new sequence sharing site" belonging to oldqcr. select vixen, select page #5, THX robot. Have fun. JK.