No Range at All.. Not Even 12 Inches...

Just make sure you solder at least a 29.5" wire to that ANT connection. I am just using a single wire (solid) from a network cable. Mine has served me well for 3 years now. Goes for several 100' about an 1/8 of a mile clear.

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Also, at that price, you should buy two so you have a spare.

This is good advice. I used one of these for a couple of years and then the USB connector came off in the middle of December. I had to scramble for a spare. Fortunately another member was nice enough to sell me one.
Just make sure you solder at least a 29.5" wire to that ANT connection. I am just using a single wire (solid) from a network cable. Mine has served me well for 3 years now. Goes for several 100' about an 1/8 of a mile clear.

View attachment 41199 View attachment 41202

Will do. :)

This is good advice. I used one of these for a couple of years and then the USB connector came off in the middle of December. I had to scramble for a spare. Fortunately another member was nice enough to sell me one.

Thank you all for your kind help! :)
Also beware of knock-offs, I ordered a couple for spares (different vendor) and when they came in they were not exactly as pictured (which my 1st one was and worked flawlessly), they would not show up as a sound device when you connected the USB, they only work when you plugin an audio cable. Ordered a couple more from my original vendor and they are the ones pictured and have no issues

bad ones are w/o antenna, the good one has the antenna attached. You can see the different board size, component layout is different.

WP_20160523_002.jpg WP_20160523_004.jpg
Also beware of knock-offs, I ordered a couple for spares (different vendor) and when they came in they were not exactly as pictured (which my 1st one was and worked flawlessly), they would not show up as a sound device when you connected the USB, they only work when you plugin an audio cable. Ordered a couple more from my original vendor and they are the ones pictured and have no issues

bad ones are w/o antenna, the good one has the antenna attached. You can see the different board size, component layout is different.

View attachment 41205 View attachment 41206

Pretty sure that is the one I got. The one with the antenna.
Yea, They all use the same picture, even the 2 "bad" ones. It was just that when they arrived they were "not as advertised". I did get a refund and the vendor did not want them back, so it all ended well.

Sent from my ASUS_A009 using Tapatalk
I used those for my 2017 show flawlessly. I also had bought a second as a back up. I was running FPP 1.8 at the time. This year when I went to use the same setup the sound was terrible, on both previously used and tested transmitters. The only thing that was different for me was I was now running FPP2.5x. Did anyone have sucess using these transmitters with RasPi running FPP 2.x?
I used those for my 2017 show flawlessly. I also had bought a second as a back up. I was running FPP 1.8 at the time. This year when I went to use the same setup the sound was terrible, on both previously used and tested transmitters. The only thing that was different for me was I was now running FPP2.5x. Did anyone have sucess using these transmitters with RasPi running FPP 2.x?

Yup—I used those last year as well. No problems
I used those for my 2017 show flawlessly. I also had bought a second as a back up. I was running FPP 1.8 at the time. This year when I went to use the same setup the sound was terrible, on both previously used and tested transmitters. The only thing that was different for me was I was now running FPP2.5x. Did anyone have sucess using these transmitters with RasPi running FPP 2.x?

Something changed with 2.x I was working with Dkulp, but he went on vacation and the emails stopped. I was able to use it with the usb connection with 1.x. Like you found that does'nt work with 2.x. So I purchased a soundblaster 3 usb audio adapter, and connected the audio out of that to the dsp pll transmitter, It works fine, maybe slightly worse audio than 1.x but acceptable. I kinda hate having the extra dongle hanging off the pi, but there seems to be no interest in fixing what was broken with the code. I did create a bug report #403. Several others commented about usb audio not working with any transmitter now. Maybe one day someone will fix it.
Something changed with 2.x I was working with Dkulp, but he went on vacation and the emails stopped. I was able to use it with the usb connection with 1.x. Like you found that does'nt work with 2.x. So I purchased a soundblaster 3 usb audio adapter, and connected the audio out of that to the dsp pll transmitter, It works fine, maybe slightly worse audio than 1.x but acceptable. I kinda hate having the extra dongle hanging off the pi, but there seems to be no interest in fixing what was broken with the code. I did create a bug report #403. Several others commented about usb audio not working with any transmitter now. Maybe one day someone will fix it.

We've got several months left in this year...maybe the FPP guys can figure this out. This past season I used the same setup as you and everything was very clear.
This problem is in the USB subsystem or firmware and possibly not something that Dan or I can fix. The same is true for the longstanding robot sound issue with the Vast FMT-212R which I also have. A few years ago, I ran with a BBB master so I could use the USB input on the FMT-212R, but for the past two years I have just used the analog input with a Pi 3 B. Unfortunately, neither Dan or I (or Mat who was looking into this a few years ago) have the knowledge or time to look into the USB issue. We have opened a case with the Pi kernel/firmware guys but they haven’t come up with a solution yet and didn’t take Mat up on his offer to send one of them his FMT-212R to test with.
This problem is in the USB subsystem or firmware and possibly not something that Dan or I can fix. The same is true for the longstanding robot sound issue with the Vast FMT-212R which I also have. A few years ago, I ran with a BBB master so I could use the USB input on the FMT-212R, but for the past two years I have just used the analog input with a Pi 3 B. Unfortunately, neither Dan or I (or Mat who was looking into this a few years ago) have the knowledge or time to look into the USB issue. We have opened a case with the Pi kernel/firmware guys but they haven’t come up with a solution yet and didn’t take Mat up on his offer to send one of them his FMT-212R to test with.

Thanks for the update.
This problem is in the USB subsystem or firmware and possibly not something that Dan or I can fix. The same is true for the longstanding robot sound issue with the Vast FMT-212R which I also have. A few years ago, I ran with a BBB master so I could use the USB input on the FMT-212R, but for the past two years I have just used the analog input with a Pi 3 B. Unfortunately, neither Dan or I (or Mat who was looking into this a few years ago) have the knowledge or time to look into the USB issue. We have opened a case with the Pi kernel/firmware guys but they haven’t come up with a solution yet and didn’t take Mat up on his offer to send one of them his FMT-212R to test with.

I am not sure I understand why it could be in the usb subsystem or firmware, it worked in 1.x and not in 2.x. Same pi, same hardware. Only thing that changed was the new FPP version. Could you clarify?
I am not sure I understand why it could be in the usb subsystem or firmware, it worked in 1.x and not in 2.x. Same pi, same hardware. Only thing that changed was the new FPP version. Could you clarify?

FPP v1.x used a Raspbian/Debian Wheezy Linux install with an older kernel. FPP v2.x uses Raspbian/Debian Stretch. In between Wheezy and Stretch was Jessie, so we jumped 2 major Operating System versions for v2.x. Wheezy was ancient, it had been around since before the first FPP release in 2013, we needed a OS upgrade.
Thank you for the response, it did'nt occur to me that the OS change was the main reason for the usb audio issues. Guess the audio dongle is the solution for now.