Non-musical sequences


New member
Is there a good place where I can get non-musical sequences or just show animations? Something similar to a static display but with just enough animation to make it breathe?
Have you tried making your own yet? This year was my third year and I still haven't added my transmitter for music. I've just been using xLights to build my sequences.
Some controllers like the ESPPixelStick allow you to set a 'test pattern' when the controller is not performing any sequences and a set delay time. One of the effects on the ESPixelStick firmware is "Breathing".
If you want to create your own pattern, just go into xLights and create a new animation sequence. In the sequence editor settings, make sure to add an "Entire Display" row and apply an effect for the entire sequence. Then play the sequence with the "repeat" turned on from FPP or your sequence computer.
The Xlights guys have some Google drive. Community contributions could be better (myself being guilty of that).